Thursday, May 1, 2008

#52 - sort of done

A couple weekends ago we were in Houston for our friend Celia's wedding. So on Sunday we stopped by Sugar Land to hang out with the cutest nephew ever - Gavin (who is now 3 1/2 months old). While I love babies - I haven't been around them much in my life and so being with Gavin gives me a chance to become comfortable with taking care of babies.

One of my goals is to baby sit him by myself. I sort of did that that weekend. Shannon and Laura had to go run a quick errand that day so Chris and I watched him for about 20 minutes. I don't want to count that as my #52 really being done though since I just had to sit there and play with him - but it is a big step forward in completing it!

Here are some new photos of Gavin:

In his favorite bouncy chair

Hanging with his daddy

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