Monday, July 28, 2008

Related to #93

Ever since I was a little kid my mom has always said to me "Katy, be positive!" That's because I am the queen of complaining. And it's not that I'm always upset or in a terrible mood - I just love to talk and talking about bad things is usually easier. Funny part about the "be positive" comment is that later in life I found out that my blood type was....B+! Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

So anyway...while I haven't started the #93 goal (only positive comments), last week I came to the reality of how important this goal is. Last year I just happened to be at home watching Oprah when Randy Pausch was on and gave his "last lecture." Last week he passed away from cancer - leaving behind a wife and three young children. But he wasn't mad about his situation - he lived his life as best as he could for the time he had left. And he just wanted to make sure his kids had something to remember him by.

So I guess my point is that even before I start #93, I still need to practice the positive thoughts and remember that things could be so much worse and the stupid complaining isn't really worth it.

Here is the Oprah version I originally saw:

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