Over the past 5 years (since I've been with Chris) I've had to re-fall in love with this season. I've always been a warm bodied person - drinking in the warmth of the sun in the summer. But I loved fall too for various reasons - Aggie football, get to wear long sleeved clothes, not dying of heat when I get in my car, can walk my dog outside, get to make comforting foods like chili, etc.
But then there were a few years where I just loathed this time of year. Why you ask? Because for some crazy reason I married into a Christmas tree growing family! I don't know how many times I've asked myself over the years, "How come you couldn't marry into a lazy family??? Why do they have to be so productive???" The answer (I now know) is - passion.
It's the passion that Chris' parents have for the farm and the Christmas trees and the pumpkins and school kids and the families that come out to visit the farm. And the past couple of years I've grown to feel that passion myself. So now, instead of complaining that I don't have any time to do anything in the fall, I.....oh who am I kidding...I still complain. I'm the queen of complaining! Just ask my husband.
Look at how my weekends play out between now and 2009:

1 comment:
Girl, I'm exhausted from reading that!
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